The LeadR+ Program

Give me Three months and your aspirations, and together, we will give you the framework needed to create committed and authentically engaged team members who will take your organization into the future.

You’ve been trying to use your strengths to impact the organization through your leadership position for a while now… … but somehow, you haven’t been able to create the transformation you know you’re capable of.

I believe you have landed on this page for a reason. 

If you think about it, it’s probably because you know your organization has been lacking the tools, technology, resources, and mindset necessary to move beyond your obstacles…

…but you just can’t seem to get all the teams to work together to reach the next level. 

That’s affecting the level of engagement you are able to generate from your team members and stakeholders.

There’s limitless wealth in transforming your teams through people development.

You’ve probably seen other leaders in your industry – people with half as many talents, unique gifts, and expertise as you – lead and grow their businesses and employees with ease.

They have implemented systems across the organization that maximizes their team strengths and builds interconnectedness.

And that’s empowering them to capture more ideas to innovate and generate more profits each year.

That’s what a strength-based leadership model can do for you.

So why aren’t your teams creating more impact?

“They don’t know where to start”

Without spending the time to examine your current behaviors and processes as a team and an organization, it is hard to embrace refinement.

If you haven’t got a clear sense of direction or defined goals to progress towards a collective outcome, it will be impossible to transform your organization.

You need to step out of self-focus and hone in on how to empower and enable your team to make a sustainable impact.

“I don’t have the tools or resources”

Change requires taking on risks. To lead beyond yourself, you need to have the capability to adapt to constant change and make quick decisions that will affect the whole organization and your stakeholders.

You need to have the right tools and resources to ensure you are able to cope with the demands of the risk you are taking on.

Having tried-and-tested frameworks refined through years of practical application at various organizations will be of great help.

“They don’t know
who to rely on!”

A team without a shared purpose consists of individuals who pursue their own agendas and have conflicted interests that do not benefit you or your organization.

To build teams into a collective of individuals who show up for the common good rather than their self-interest, you need to set the stage for them to find common ground.

That starts with leading from the front to allow team members to vocalize their perspectives openly.

The LeadR+ Program helps you build teams that deliver innovative outcomes at speed in just 12 weeks.

Join anytime!

The moment you partner with me, you will breathe a huge sigh of relief. 

That’s because, in just a few short months, you will have built a high-performing team
that helps you share the burden of making big decisions.

It will be like getting a new lease on your role as a leader.
You will have highly engaged team members who can be relied upon to see projects through to the end.

I’ve combined three of my top expertise

Learning-based Transformation Coaching
Building Co-evolution Systems
Implementation Science

into a COMPREHENSIVE methodology that enables
YOU to impact transformation in your organization.

How is The LeadR+ Program
different from other programs?

Most leadership coaches – even those working with Fortune 500 companies –
usually only help you improve your personal skills to become more influential.

For example, they may help you feel more confident through various exercises designed to amplify your presence, but can’t guarantee your team will resonate with your leadership style and stay authentically committed to completing goals from beginning to end.

As a LeadR+ Program member, you’re getting everything.

As in, a strength-based leadership approach that amplifies the positive attributes of your team,
creates stronger interpersonal relationships, and optimizes innovative outcomes.

There is no need to hire more consultants or employees to help you meet your business objectives –
I’m giving you over 22 years of experience in creating high-performance teams to build more interconnected teams.

I’ve separated The LeadR+ Program into four stages to help your progress:

And here’s one more reason:

Most leadership coaches will only focus on short-term team-building activities that enhance collaboration within your team. 

But you will have no system to promote long-term accountability and transparency across your team and organizational hierarchy, so team members share in the decision-making processes and are intrinsically motivated to work toward a common purpose. 

These qualities are the necessary precedent for innovation and growth. 

You don’t need to worry – you can join the program today and start creating the mindset and behavior
shifts needed to transform your team of talented individuals into a high-performance cohort!

You won’t even have to carry the torch yourself.

If you’re not used to moving forward by enabling collective learning and development (or just don’t have the time), I will be there to support you as much as you need it as we leverage the strengths of everyone around you to innovate and transform your organization. That makes your role as a leader a lot less daunting and time-consuming.

This is how I will be working with you: One-on-one Coaching

My one-on-one coaching program is built on a system that leverages three key aspects of the leadership model that can be replicated across any silo. I have tested this system across various organizations in different industries from educational institutions to corporate entities.

To start with, I will connect with you on an onboarding call to ascertain where your gaps are and how I can best tailor the program to ensure you and your organization are able to get the biggest impact out of it. We will be connecting on online coaching calls once a week where I will guide you through the process of strengths-based leadership transformation.

You will have the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns on these calls so we can overcome any challenges and move forward toward a more innovative and human-centric future.

Bottom line – I will apply the same frameworks I have used to help hundreds of executives, 
board members, and professionals create an impact in their fields.

That means you will have all the tools, strategies, and insight needed to lead beyond yourself with ease… and much less trepidation.

How is The LeadR+ Program structured?

Every week, we will help you pivot in a new direction that will involve inward practice, leading a cohort,
and transforming your organization in some way.

I will give you access to all of our recorded training sessions, worksheets, videos, exercises,
and all the
resources you will need to turn your business into a thrivable ecosystem!

Module 1: The Shift

This first module builds on the understanding that when your behavior as a leader changes, so does team behavior.

That team and leader relationship influences your organization.

You will identify your leadership style and move from transactional leadership where you check off jobs for the sake of completing tasks to having an influence with progress monitoring in your team.

Module 2: Vision

The second module will help you find the one common purpose that will empower your team to align their values together.

We will explore how intrapreneurs can help you move forward with more speed and creativity.

We will identify what you need and want in a dream team, your vision, and a goal. That will give you the direction and clarity needed to take ownership of your role as a leader.

Module 3: Well-being

In the third module, we will be setting up processes for you to gain feedback all the time. It’s a critical benchmark for your leadership.

We will look at how you can effectively measure results and outcomes and start an open dialogue across your team.

The critical part of this module will explore the benefits of feedback loops and how you can integrate them.

Module 4: Adaptability

This module focuses on how to leverage tools, technologies, and service providers to bridge the gaps. 

We will focus on setting hybrid expectations and optimizing your team structure and culture to encourage speed.

You will see how your mindset as a leader will help your team surmount any obstacles and stay prepared to move beyond any challenges by adapting and overcoming them.

Module 5:

This module helps you dive deep into your strengths, capabilities, EQ, and aspirations.

We will help you recognize the power of having a diverse team with different perspectives.

Your leadership approach will be focused on enhancing a team member’s strengths instead of training away their weaknesses.

You will celebrate and appreciate the unique qualities each member brings to the team and organization.

Module 6: Creativity

In this module, our focus will be on creating empowered teams that will be united by one shared purpose within your organization.

You will learn the necessary requirements for each team member to vocalize their perspectives and find common ground so they can collaborate as a team.

We will design a process plan template to kickstart the creative problem-solving processes in your team.

Module 7:

This module helps you understand what your human needs are and what they mean.

Understanding your needs will allow you to build the motivation to thrive, build self-discipline and choose resourceful behaviors so you can experience life joyfully.

It will be about exercising your power of choice to live life more intentionally, not by luck or accident. That’s how you can keep going on without giving up or straying off track.

Module 8: Collaboration

This module will help you unpack what needs to change in order for you to work together independently and collectively with speed and a shared purpose.

I will introduce the core values alignment tool for cohorts so you can establish a system-wide culture of teamwork.

We will create an adaptive plan template based on managing projects to support creativity and innovation across the board.

Module 9: Transformation

This module helps you focus on people development, how your team creates impact in the market and how you can create a human-centric culture.

You will embrace new practices that focus on bringing greater humanity in the way you lead, manage, and grow employees with your business. That will be the new company vision.

Module 10: Human Culture

This module will help you identify trends from the past and present so you can use that information to chart the future.

I will introduce you to a protocol tool and show you how you can leverage it to create a different future of your choosing.

We will create micro-implementation plans to propel transformation.

Module 11: Human Sustainability

The last module focuses on how you can capture ideas, thoughts, people, and innovation, and feed it into a system as feedback.

We will focus on identifying sustainable ways to transform your team and organization into a living breathing organism that operates on inputs and outputs to create the right outcomes.

You will have access to
ALL my tools and resources for 1 YEAR, including:

All of My Online Resources

All the helpful digital resources I have gathered along my career and coaching journey will be available to you on request at all times. You don’t need to worry about looking for anything.

Frameworks and Structures

I’ve designed a few frameworks that have generated proven success time and time again in various industries. You will be able to access these right from the start of my program.

Coaching Session Recordings

I will record our weekly coaching sessions. They will be available to you after each session is complete. You don’t need to worry about taking notes or missing something during our calls. 

Extras (I won’t tell you yet)

As you move along this transformative experience, I will share gifts when the time is right. You will know exactly when and how to use it once you receive the gift because it will be when you are ready to move forward.

“But is The LeadR+ Program the best investment for me, Karen?”

The LeadR+ Program is an experiential and transformative journey that will shift your mindset, behavior, and results.
You need to make sure it’s right for you before proceeding: 

The LeadR+ Program is DEFINITELY for you IF:

But it’s not the right thing
for you IF:

You’ve been underutilizing your gifts and talents for long enough. Let’s unlock a new level of leadership together.

Right now, you have a choice to make.

You can keep letting other business owners, senior executives, board members, etc. – people with a fraction of your brilliance – outcompete you.

Or you can decide to take this opportunity to stop hiding behind tasks and transition
into people development to creates a lasting transformation once and for all.

The choice is yours.

Don’t let this opportunity to become the authority in your industry pass you by. 
Click the button below to schedule a call and to discuss the best solution for you

YES, Karen!
I’m ready to take my organization into the future!”

I’m happy to see you’ve taken this opportunity to lead beyond your limitations.
I look forward to greeting you on our onboarding call!

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